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WalletConnect'den beklediğimiz isterler

  • Dapp ile account bilgilerinin paylaşılması.
  • Dapp'ın oluşturduğu transaction payloadının wallet'de imzalanması.

BAĞ Wallet Wallet Connect Diyagramı

WalletConnect Mimarisi

Sign API

WalletConnect Sign is a remote signer protocol to communicate securely between web3 wallets and dapps. The protocol establishes a remote pairing between two apps and/or devices using a Relay server to relay payloads.

These payloads are symmetrically encrypted through a shared key between the two peers. The pairing is initiated by one peer displaying a QR Code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI and is established when the counter-party approves this pairing request.


Sign API EIP-1193 iliskisi

EIP 1193

interface RequestArguments {
  readonly method: string;
  readonly params?: readonly unknown[] | object;

SignClient API

  public abstract request(params: {
    topic: string;
    request: RequestArguments;
    chainId: string;
  }): Promise<any>;

