SSI ile ilgili kutuphaner, organizasyonlar.
DID & VC Repolari
Kutuphane, Implementasyon, Framework
A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript digitalbazaar/jsonld.js
An implementation of the Linked Data Signatures specification for JSON-LD. Works in the browser and Node.js. digitalbazaar/jsonld-signatures
A linked data proof suite for BBS+ signatures mattrglobal/jsonld-signatures-bbs
A JavaScript Framework for Verifiable Data uport-project/veramo
Create and verify DID verifiable JWT's in Javascript decentralized-identity/did-jwt
Create and verify W3C Verifiable Credentials and Presentations in JWT format [decentralized-identity/did-jwt-vc]
A DID Key Implementation in TypeScript (transmute-industries/did-key.js)[transmute-industries/did-key.js]
An implementation of the Linked Data Signatures specification for JSON-LD. Works in the browser and Node.js. digitalbazaar/jsonld-signatures
A linked data proof suite for BBS+ signatures mattrglobal/jsonld-signatures-bbs
DID resolver for HTTPS domains decentralized-identity/web-did-resolver
Aries Framework JavaScripthyperledger/aries-framework-javascript
Aries Mobile Agent React Native - Part of the Aries Bifold effort to provide SSI capabilities in a production ready app. hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native
DRAFT: did:web Decentralized Identifier Method Specification w3c-ccg/did-method-web
A specification for an HTTP API used to issue and verify Verifiable Credentials. w3c-ccg/vc-api
Hyperledger Aries is infrastructure for blockchain-rooted, peer-to-peer interactions
Benzer Uygulamalar
Metamask MetaMask/metamask-extension
Aries Mobile Agent React Native - Part of the Aries Bifold effort to provide SSI capabilities in a production ready app. hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native
Arastirilacak Kavramlar
Prograssive Web Apps MDN
Browserda secure storage (Metamask nasil yapiyor ?)
Web workers MDN
Browser uygulamalarinin p2p bir sekilde birbirleri ile konusmasi mumkun mu ? Internete cikmadan belki local bir baglanti ile ?
DIF veya baska bir organizasyonun Hyperledger Aries kadar detayli specleri var mi ?
Benzer Amacli Organizasyonlar
- Digital Baazar
- Mattr
- Transmute
- SecureKey